17. منابع
Chapter01. Introduction
? Reactionary Reformism [2003] اصلاح طلبي ارتجاعي
Chapter02. Progressiveness and the 1979 Revolution
? Progressiveness in the Present Epoch ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 و مقدمه 1999
? Iran versus Pakistan [1994]
? Why Shiism Became the Flag of 1979 Iranian Revolution [1998]
? [Audio] مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? Shariati & Al-e Ahmad [1999]
? About Safavids: Why Shiism and not Persianization?? [2002]
? A Short Note about Dr. Sanjabi & Iranian Liberals [2002]
? Is Socialism More Just? [2002]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
Chapter03. Not a Coup but a Reactionary Revolution
? Notes on Enghelab-e Sefid [1981]
? One Lesson of 1979 [2000]
? Iranian Futurist Party Platform [2001]
? davAzdah gharn sokoot [2002]
Chapter04. Futurists and the Iranian Experience
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Daniel Bell on Religion
? World Future Society Book Catalogue
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? In Defense of Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? What is Secularism? [2003] سکولاريسم چيست؟
? Why Federalism for Kurdistan and Rest of Iran [2003] چرا فدراليسم براي کردستان و بقيه ايران
? Is Socialism More just? [2003] آيا سوسياليسم عادلانه تر است؟
Chapter05. Shi'a Clergy and Iranian State
? Theocracy Should be Voted out! [1999]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? Why Shi?a Clergy Should Be Kept Out Of Iran?s State Offices? [2002]
? Fatwa Killing of Ahmad Kasravi and Others by Islamic Fundamentalists [2002]
? *Rule of Law* and *Judgment by the People* [2002]
? Mr. Khatami: Stoning and Mortad Killing Are Not Private Matters [2002]
? Aghajari's Trial is Prosecution of Shi'a Semi-Protestantism! [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Religious Wars in Iran [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
? What is Secularism? [2003] سکولاريسم چيست؟
Chapter06. Kurdistan, Federalism and Iranian National Sentiments
? Kurds & Formation of Central Government in Iran کردها و شکل گيري دولت مرکزي در ايران 1981 ومقدمه 1999
? Iranian National Sentiments [1994]
? Conference of the Birds [1994]
? My Memories of Different Iranian Cities [1994]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? About Madison's Federalist Papers & Federalism In Iran [2002]
? About Norouz this Year [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? HMI's Anti-Federalism is a Reactionary Position [2003]
? Why Federalism for Kurdistan and Rest of Iran [2003] چرا فدراليسم براي کردستان و بقيه ايران
? Globalization & Federalism [2004] گلوباليسم و فدراليسم
? Komala and Kurdistan [2004] کومله و کردستان
Chapter07. State Economy as the Foundation of Despotism
? About Nationalization of Oil in Iran [2002]
? Is Socialism More just? [2003] آيا سوسياليسم عادلانه تر است؟
? Wealth and Justice in Future Iran [2004] ثروت و عدالت در ايران فردا
Chapter08. Pre-Industrial Attack on Globalization
? A Fiber Optics Backbone for Iran [1998]
? Taboo: Iranians and the West [1999]
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Producing for a Buyers' Market [1999]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Is George Bush Overthrowing Mollahs In Iran?? [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? Don't Put the Genie Back in the Bottle!! [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? A World Vision from City of Heretics [2004] يک جهان بيني از سوي شهر مرتدان
? Why Vote for Kerry? [2004] چرا رأي به کري
? Nation States and Global Line Ups [2004] دولت هاي ملي و صف بندي هاي جهاني
? "Death to America" Chants of IRI New Parliament [2004] شعار "مرگ برآمريکا"ي نمايندگان مجلس جديد جمهوري اسلامي
Chapter09. Iranian Intellectuals and Leftism
? Intelligent Tools: The Cornerstone of a New Civilization ابزار هوشمند شالوده تمدني نوين 1985 و مقدمه 2001
? Progressiveness in the Present Epoch ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 و مقدمه 1999
? What Do We Want??? [1994]
? New Paradigms [1994]
? What is an Intellectual [1994]
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Shariati & Al-e Ahmad [1999]
? Nouredddin-e Kianouri [1999]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? The Problem Of Alternative Is The Left [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? MKO and Leftists Programs: Sacrifices to Replace Omavids with Abbasids [2002]
? Ihe Illusion of Reformism in IRI [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? Iranian Leftism is a Reactionary Force [2003]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? Iran and Restructuring of the Middle East (Revisiting shahrivar e 1320) [2003]
? About Israel [2002]
? What is Wrong with the Palestinian Movement? [2002]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? Again and again Worry about Zionism and Palestine instead of Iran [2003]
? Marxist Thought & Monism [2003] انديشه مارکسيستي و مونيسم-يکتاگرائي
? Pluralism in the Western Thought [2003] پلوراليسم در انديشه غرب-کثرت گرائي
? A Theory of Uniqueness Value [2003] يک تئوري ارزش ويژه
Chapter10. Mojahedine Khalgh Organization (MKO)
? End Justifying the Means! [1994]
? MKO's Promised Land [1994]
? About So-Called ?Islamic Marxism? [1994]
? Questions from MojAhedin-e Khalgh (MKO) [1995]
? Cults [2001]
? Appeasing MKO is Like Appeasing Nazi Fascism [2002]
? Dissolve MKO [2002]
? What about MojAhedin-e Khalgh? [2003]
? MEK and the U.S. [2003]
? Stop mojAhdein's human rights violations [2003]
? About Mr. Daniel Pipes' Article [2003]
Chapter11. Monarchy, Republic, and 21st Century Constitution
? A Dialogue about Liberalism in Iran [1994]
? Mossadegh's Error [1999]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? My Memories of the Savak Interrogations [1998]
? Reza Pahlavi [2001]
? Monarchy for Iran?! [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? An Open Letter to Prince Reza Pahlavi [2001]
? Fall of the Shah Revisited [2001]
? What is the Solution? [2002]
? "No" to Monarchy in Iran [2002]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? Are Melli-Mazhabis And Reza Pahlavi Alternatives For Iran? [2002]
? Iranian Monarchy Like Sweden?? [2002]
? Why Prince Reza Pahlavi Needs to Support a *Secular* Republic?? [2002]
? The US and Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? Once again on Reza Pahlavi and Pro-Democracy Movement in Iran [2002]
? Prince Reza Pahlavi: What I Think of His Role? [2002]
? In Defense of Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? Why Islamist Come Back in Turkey and Pakistan? [2002]
? Monarchy Anthology [2002]
? What Will be Iran's Future Constitution? [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? What if People Voted for Monarchy? [2003]
? به حکومت آينده و قانون اساسي اش بياند يشيم
? مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? Who are the Iranian Monarchists? [2003]
? Prince Reza Pahlavi Needs to Call for A Constitution Conference [2003]
? My Second Open Letter to Prince Reza Pahlavi [2003]
? Taking Responsibility: About Reza Pahlavi and Monarchy [2003]
? No to Jebhe Melli & Monarchy [2003]
? Republicans & So-called Monarchists Must Collaborate [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
? IDF (Jebhe Demokratik) in the U.S. [2003]
Chapter12. Lobbyists, Human Rights and Islamism
? Stop Stoning the Women in Iran [1994]
? Pharaohs [1994]
? Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [1998]
? Open Society and Its Enemies [1999]
? Religions, Islamic Heritage, etc. [1997]
? Abolish Heresy Persecution Laws [1999]
? Human Rights & Separation of State and Religion in Iran [1999]
? Bertrand Russell and Moscow Trials [1999]
? PETITION: Abolish Qessas Laws in Iran [2000]
? About Sanctions [2000]
? Once again on Sanctions [2000]
? Effect of Sanctions [2000]
? De-Politicizing Human Rights in Iran is Whitewashing IRI Theocracy [2000]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? IRI Apologists: Under The Cloak Of Fighting Foreign Aggression!![2001]
? Condemn Arrests of IFM Members and Summon of Ebrahim Yazdi [2001]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? Underdog: Islamic Republic of Iran Playing Victim!! [2001]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? After Khatami [2001]
? What Should be Next After U.S. Sanctions? [2001]
? IRI Lobbyists Hard at Work!! [2001]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? Independence Rhetoric of IRI Apologists [2002]
? To World Journalists: IRI *Not* Iran [2002]
? Say "NO" to IRI Lobbyists [2002]
? My Response to Tariq Ali [2002]
? Slideshow of Human Rights in Iran [2002]
? Fatwa Killing of Ahmad Kasravi and Others by Islamic Fundamentalists [2002]
? About MEHR.ORG, A Word with Iranian Intellectuals Abroad [2002]
? UN and Islamic Kill Orders for Aghajari, Rushdie, Kasravi [2002]
? UN Must Stop Criminal Organized Religions [2002]
? A Suggestion to American Politicians, INS Officials, and People [2002]
? Shame on Us Iranians for Not Defending Salman Rushdie [2003]
? War, U.S., and IRI (I Condemn IRI Provocation of War with the U.S.) [2003]
? "Religion as a Private Matter" in the West! [2003]
? I Condemn the Murder of Ayatollah Khoi by the Islamists [2003]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
Chapter13. Pro-Democracy Movement
? 16-Azar 1332 (Dec 7, 1953) Rooz-e dAneshjoo [1999]
? Slideshow of July 9, 1999 Students Movement in Iran
? 18Tir: Anniversary of July 9, 1999 [2001]
? Rooz-e dAneshjoo: 16-Azar and 18-Tir [2001]
? Slideshow of 16-Azar Students Movement in Iran [2002]
? 1981-versus-1999 [1999]
? What Should Happen in Iran versus What May Happen in Iran? [2000]
? Change: Revolution, Reform, or ...? [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? Who will lead Iran's desire for change? [2001]
? What Can We Do About IRI Atrocities Abroad? [2001]
? After Khatami [2001]
? About Unity [2001]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? What is the Solution? [2002]
? How to Understand Iranian Movement to Replace IRI [2002]
? Is Iran Another China? [2002]
? Do MelliMazhabis Want IRI to Be Replaced with a Secular Government? [2002]
? Down with Islamism/Islamic Fascism [2002]
? IRI Making the Next Khatami [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? What is Wrong with the Iranian Opposition? [2002]
? Aghajari's Trial is Prosecution of Shi'a Semi-Protestantism! [2002]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? The Illusion of Reformism in IRI [2002]
? Islamism Imposing a Civil War on Iran [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Iran and Restructuring of the Middle East (Revisiting shahrivar e 1320) [2003]
? Apathy of 9-Esfand was for What? [2003]
? War, U.S., and IRI (I Condemn IRI Provocation of War with the U.S.) [2003]
Chapter14. Philosophy, Democracy, and Justice
? Politics of Ballot Initiatives [1998]
? Marxist Thought & Monism [1984]
? Pluralism in the Western Thought [1985]
? Philosophy of Science in 20th Century [1984+Publ 2001]
? A Discourse about Value Theory in Knowledge_Based Economies [1988]
? What is New Sound? [1988]
? What is New Sound? (Persian Translation) [1988]
? Dancing in the Air [1988]
? Expressions of Life [1989]
? Women/Men/Love/Commitment/Etc. [1994]
? New Ethical Issues for All Religions & Ideologies [1994]
? Homosexuality & Islam [1994]
? Alan Turing: A Homosexual Who Committed Suicide!! [1994]
? Meaning of Life [1994]
? What is Power? [1998]
? Fanatics & Eric Hoffer?s Analysis [1998]
? Anarchism [1998]
? Fairy Tale: The Fisherman and the Jinny [1998]
? About Rumi's Sufism [1999]
? Teleology & Iranian Worldviews [1999]
? Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [1998]
? Open Society and Its Enemies [1999]
? Memes II & Memes [2000]
? Cults [2001]
? Primaries and IRI Presidential Elections [2001]
? Elections 2001: Islamic Republic of Iran [2001]
? Checks and Balances in Iran [2001]
? Why Pluralism [2001]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? What is Modern Democracy? [2001]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? HezbollAhi Solution versus Surrogate Mothers [2002]
? About the Baha'i Cultish Practices [2002]
? About New Novels in Iran [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? Why Shi?a Clergy Should Be Kept Out Of Iran?s State Offices? [2002]
? About Madison's Federalist Papers & Federalism In Iran [2002]
? A Commentary on Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" [2002]
? About Designing New Democracy [2002]
? Is Socialism More Just? [2002]
? *Rule of Law* and *Judgment by the People* [2002]
? The Music of Amir Baghiri [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? "Religion as a Private Matter" in the West! [2003]
? Religious Wars in Iran [2003]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
Chapter15. Futurism, Futurist Party and Iran
? Intelligent Tools: The Cornerstone of a New Civilization ابزار هوشمند شالوده تمدني نوين 1985 و مقدمه 2001
? ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 تجديد چاپ 2003 بمناسبت سالگرد انقلاب 1979
? 1986مفهوم آّزادي
? 1986 بيانيه جامعه ايرانيان آينده نگر
? New Paradigms [1994]
? Future-Related Books [1994]
? Planning, Futurism, and Iran [1994]
? Modern Futurism [in English] [1994]
? A Fiber Optics Backbone for Iran [1998]
? The New Millennium: The Age of Thinking! [1999]
? Producing for a Buyers' Market [1999]
? PDF [2000]حزب آينده نگر ايران طرح اوليه
? JPG [2000]حزب آينده نگر ايران طرح اوليه
? Hezb-e Ayandeh-Negar-e Iran [2000]
? Why Vote for Al Gore [2000]
? Iranian Futurist Party Platform (Proposal-July2001)
? State of the World Economy [2001]
? آينده نگري مدرن 1987 تجديد چاپ 2001
? مقدمه 2001 متن فارسي پلاتفرم پيشنهادي حزب آينده نگر ايران
? 2001پلاتفرم پيشنهادي حزب آينده نگر ايران دسامبر
? Framework: A Futurist Unity Plan (Feb 2002)
? The Impact of Intelligent Tools on Human Life and the World [2002]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? About Tofflers, Newt Gingrich, Republican Party, Etc. [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? About Futurism and Third Wave Terminology [2002]
? What Will be Iran's Future Constitution? [2002]
? Mary Shelly & Nanotechnology [2002]
? مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [Sept 2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? به حکومت آينده و قانون اساسي اش بياند يشيم
? My Didgah (View) of Manshoor81 [2003]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
? Future-Related Books
? Anthology
Chapter16. Biographical Note
? My Profile
Chapter01. Introduction
? Reactionary Reformism [2003] اصلاح طلبي ارتجاعي
Chapter02. Progressiveness and the 1979 Revolution
? Progressiveness in the Present Epoch ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 و مقدمه 1999
? Iran versus Pakistan [1994]
? Why Shiism Became the Flag of 1979 Iranian Revolution [1998]
? [Audio] مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? Shariati & Al-e Ahmad [1999]
? About Safavids: Why Shiism and not Persianization?? [2002]
? A Short Note about Dr. Sanjabi & Iranian Liberals [2002]
? Is Socialism More Just? [2002]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
Chapter03. Not a Coup but a Reactionary Revolution
? Notes on Enghelab-e Sefid [1981]
? One Lesson of 1979 [2000]
? Iranian Futurist Party Platform [2001]
? davAzdah gharn sokoot [2002]
Chapter04. Futurists and the Iranian Experience
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Daniel Bell on Religion
? World Future Society Book Catalogue
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? In Defense of Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? What is Secularism? [2003] سکولاريسم چيست؟
? Why Federalism for Kurdistan and Rest of Iran [2003] چرا فدراليسم براي کردستان و بقيه ايران
? Is Socialism More just? [2003] آيا سوسياليسم عادلانه تر است؟
Chapter05. Shi'a Clergy and Iranian State
? Theocracy Should be Voted out! [1999]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? Why Shi?a Clergy Should Be Kept Out Of Iran?s State Offices? [2002]
? Fatwa Killing of Ahmad Kasravi and Others by Islamic Fundamentalists [2002]
? *Rule of Law* and *Judgment by the People* [2002]
? Mr. Khatami: Stoning and Mortad Killing Are Not Private Matters [2002]
? Aghajari's Trial is Prosecution of Shi'a Semi-Protestantism! [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Religious Wars in Iran [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
? What is Secularism? [2003] سکولاريسم چيست؟
Chapter06. Kurdistan, Federalism and Iranian National Sentiments
? Kurds & Formation of Central Government in Iran کردها و شکل گيري دولت مرکزي در ايران 1981 ومقدمه 1999
? Iranian National Sentiments [1994]
? Conference of the Birds [1994]
? My Memories of Different Iranian Cities [1994]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? About Madison's Federalist Papers & Federalism In Iran [2002]
? About Norouz this Year [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? HMI's Anti-Federalism is a Reactionary Position [2003]
? Why Federalism for Kurdistan and Rest of Iran [2003] چرا فدراليسم براي کردستان و بقيه ايران
? Globalization & Federalism [2004] گلوباليسم و فدراليسم
? Komala and Kurdistan [2004] کومله و کردستان
Chapter07. State Economy as the Foundation of Despotism
? About Nationalization of Oil in Iran [2002]
? Is Socialism More just? [2003] آيا سوسياليسم عادلانه تر است؟
? Wealth and Justice in Future Iran [2004] ثروت و عدالت در ايران فردا
Chapter08. Pre-Industrial Attack on Globalization
? A Fiber Optics Backbone for Iran [1998]
? Taboo: Iranians and the West [1999]
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Producing for a Buyers' Market [1999]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Is George Bush Overthrowing Mollahs In Iran?? [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? Don't Put the Genie Back in the Bottle!! [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? A World Vision from City of Heretics [2004] يک جهان بيني از سوي شهر مرتدان
? Why Vote for Kerry? [2004] چرا رأي به کري
? Nation States and Global Line Ups [2004] دولت هاي ملي و صف بندي هاي جهاني
? "Death to America" Chants of IRI New Parliament [2004] شعار "مرگ برآمريکا"ي نمايندگان مجلس جديد جمهوري اسلامي
Chapter09. Iranian Intellectuals and Leftism
? Intelligent Tools: The Cornerstone of a New Civilization ابزار هوشمند شالوده تمدني نوين 1985 و مقدمه 2001
? Progressiveness in the Present Epoch ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 و مقدمه 1999
? What Do We Want??? [1994]
? New Paradigms [1994]
? What is an Intellectual [1994]
? Hostage-taking [1999]
? Shariati & Al-e Ahmad [1999]
? Nouredddin-e Kianouri [1999]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? The Problem Of Alternative Is The Left [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? MKO and Leftists Programs: Sacrifices to Replace Omavids with Abbasids [2002]
? Ihe Illusion of Reformism in IRI [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? Iranian Leftism is a Reactionary Force [2003]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? Iran and Restructuring of the Middle East (Revisiting shahrivar e 1320) [2003]
? About Israel [2002]
? What is Wrong with the Palestinian Movement? [2002]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? Again and again Worry about Zionism and Palestine instead of Iran [2003]
? Marxist Thought & Monism [2003] انديشه مارکسيستي و مونيسم-يکتاگرائي
? Pluralism in the Western Thought [2003] پلوراليسم در انديشه غرب-کثرت گرائي
? A Theory of Uniqueness Value [2003] يک تئوري ارزش ويژه
Chapter10. Mojahedine Khalgh Organization (MKO)
? End Justifying the Means! [1994]
? MKO's Promised Land [1994]
? About So-Called ?Islamic Marxism? [1994]
? Questions from MojAhedin-e Khalgh (MKO) [1995]
? Cults [2001]
? Appeasing MKO is Like Appeasing Nazi Fascism [2002]
? Dissolve MKO [2002]
? What about MojAhedin-e Khalgh? [2003]
? MEK and the U.S. [2003]
? Stop mojAhdein's human rights violations [2003]
? About Mr. Daniel Pipes' Article [2003]
Chapter11. Monarchy, Republic, and 21st Century Constitution
? A Dialogue about Liberalism in Iran [1994]
? Mossadegh's Error [1999]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? My Memories of the Savak Interrogations [1998]
? Reza Pahlavi [2001]
? Monarchy for Iran?! [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? An Open Letter to Prince Reza Pahlavi [2001]
? Fall of the Shah Revisited [2001]
? What is the Solution? [2002]
? "No" to Monarchy in Iran [2002]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? Are Melli-Mazhabis And Reza Pahlavi Alternatives For Iran? [2002]
? Iranian Monarchy Like Sweden?? [2002]
? Why Prince Reza Pahlavi Needs to Support a *Secular* Republic?? [2002]
? The US and Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? Once again on Reza Pahlavi and Pro-Democracy Movement in Iran [2002]
? Prince Reza Pahlavi: What I Think of His Role? [2002]
? In Defense of Prince Reza Pahlavi [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? Why Islamist Come Back in Turkey and Pakistan? [2002]
? Monarchy Anthology [2002]
? What Will be Iran's Future Constitution? [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? What if People Voted for Monarchy? [2003]
? به حکومت آينده و قانون اساسي اش بياند يشيم
? مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? Who are the Iranian Monarchists? [2003]
? Prince Reza Pahlavi Needs to Call for A Constitution Conference [2003]
? My Second Open Letter to Prince Reza Pahlavi [2003]
? Taking Responsibility: About Reza Pahlavi and Monarchy [2003]
? No to Jebhe Melli & Monarchy [2003]
? Republicans & So-called Monarchists Must Collaborate [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
? IDF (Jebhe Demokratik) in the U.S. [2003]
Chapter12. Lobbyists, Human Rights and Islamism
? Stop Stoning the Women in Iran [1994]
? Pharaohs [1994]
? Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [1998]
? Open Society and Its Enemies [1999]
? Religions, Islamic Heritage, etc. [1997]
? Abolish Heresy Persecution Laws [1999]
? Human Rights & Separation of State and Religion in Iran [1999]
? Bertrand Russell and Moscow Trials [1999]
? PETITION: Abolish Qessas Laws in Iran [2000]
? About Sanctions [2000]
? Once again on Sanctions [2000]
? Effect of Sanctions [2000]
? De-Politicizing Human Rights in Iran is Whitewashing IRI Theocracy [2000]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? IRI Apologists: Under The Cloak Of Fighting Foreign Aggression!![2001]
? Condemn Arrests of IFM Members and Summon of Ebrahim Yazdi [2001]
? From Salman Rushdie to WTC [2001]
? Underdog: Islamic Republic of Iran Playing Victim!! [2001]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? After Khatami [2001]
? What Should be Next After U.S. Sanctions? [2001]
? IRI Lobbyists Hard at Work!! [2001]
? Noam Chomsky & Edward Said: Why Don't They Condemn IRI Atrocities [2002]
? Independence Rhetoric of IRI Apologists [2002]
? To World Journalists: IRI *Not* Iran [2002]
? Say "NO" to IRI Lobbyists [2002]
? My Response to Tariq Ali [2002]
? Slideshow of Human Rights in Iran [2002]
? Fatwa Killing of Ahmad Kasravi and Others by Islamic Fundamentalists [2002]
? About MEHR.ORG, A Word with Iranian Intellectuals Abroad [2002]
? UN and Islamic Kill Orders for Aghajari, Rushdie, Kasravi [2002]
? UN Must Stop Criminal Organized Religions [2002]
? A Suggestion to American Politicians, INS Officials, and People [2002]
? Shame on Us Iranians for Not Defending Salman Rushdie [2003]
? War, U.S., and IRI (I Condemn IRI Provocation of War with the U.S.) [2003]
? "Religion as a Private Matter" in the West! [2003]
? I Condemn the Murder of Ayatollah Khoi by the Islamists [2003]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
Chapter13. Pro-Democracy Movement
? 16-Azar 1332 (Dec 7, 1953) Rooz-e dAneshjoo [1999]
? Slideshow of July 9, 1999 Students Movement in Iran
? 18Tir: Anniversary of July 9, 1999 [2001]
? Rooz-e dAneshjoo: 16-Azar and 18-Tir [2001]
? Slideshow of 16-Azar Students Movement in Iran [2002]
? 1981-versus-1999 [1999]
? What Should Happen in Iran versus What May Happen in Iran? [2000]
? Change: Revolution, Reform, or ...? [2001]
? Leadership [2001]
? Who will lead Iran's desire for change? [2001]
? What Can We Do About IRI Atrocities Abroad? [2001]
? After Khatami [2001]
? About Unity [2001]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? What is the Solution? [2002]
? How to Understand Iranian Movement to Replace IRI [2002]
? Is Iran Another China? [2002]
? Do MelliMazhabis Want IRI to Be Replaced with a Secular Government? [2002]
? Down with Islamism/Islamic Fascism [2002]
? IRI Making the Next Khatami [2002]
? Iran & Saudi Arabia: Monarchies & Islamism [2002]
? What is Wrong with the Iranian Opposition? [2002]
? Aghajari's Trial is Prosecution of Shi'a Semi-Protestantism! [2002]
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [2002]
? The Illusion of Reformism in IRI [2002]
? Islamism Imposing a Civil War on Iran [2002]
? Shariati was Reactionary [2002]
? Iran and Restructuring of the Middle East (Revisiting shahrivar e 1320) [2003]
? Apathy of 9-Esfand was for What? [2003]
? War, U.S., and IRI (I Condemn IRI Provocation of War with the U.S.) [2003]
Chapter14. Philosophy, Democracy, and Justice
? Politics of Ballot Initiatives [1998]
? Marxist Thought & Monism [1984]
? Pluralism in the Western Thought [1985]
? Philosophy of Science in 20th Century [1984+Publ 2001]
? A Discourse about Value Theory in Knowledge_Based Economies [1988]
? What is New Sound? [1988]
? What is New Sound? (Persian Translation) [1988]
? Dancing in the Air [1988]
? Expressions of Life [1989]
? Women/Men/Love/Commitment/Etc. [1994]
? New Ethical Issues for All Religions & Ideologies [1994]
? Homosexuality & Islam [1994]
? Alan Turing: A Homosexual Who Committed Suicide!! [1994]
? Meaning of Life [1994]
? What is Power? [1998]
? Fanatics & Eric Hoffer?s Analysis [1998]
? Anarchism [1998]
? Fairy Tale: The Fisherman and the Jinny [1998]
? About Rumi's Sufism [1999]
? Teleology & Iranian Worldviews [1999]
? Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [1998]
? Open Society and Its Enemies [1999]
? Memes II & Memes [2000]
? Cults [2001]
? Primaries and IRI Presidential Elections [2001]
? Elections 2001: Islamic Republic of Iran [2001]
? Checks and Balances in Iran [2001]
? Why Pluralism [2001]
? Stop the "Death to America" Slogan [2001]
? What is Modern Democracy? [2001]
? Federal Democratic Republic of Iran?? [2002]
? HezbollAhi Solution versus Surrogate Mothers [2002]
? About the Baha'i Cultish Practices [2002]
? About New Novels in Iran [2002]
? The Left: People With A Mission To Destroy Capitalism [2002]
? Why Shi?a Clergy Should Be Kept Out Of Iran?s State Offices? [2002]
? About Madison's Federalist Papers & Federalism In Iran [2002]
? A Commentary on Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" [2002]
? About Designing New Democracy [2002]
? Is Socialism More Just? [2002]
? *Rule of Law* and *Judgment by the People* [2002]
? The Music of Amir Baghiri [2002]
? Federalism is the Lesson of 21-Azar [2002]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? "Religion as a Private Matter" in the West! [2003]
? Religious Wars in Iran [2003]
? Iraq-Islamists Using Freedom to Kill Freedom [2003]
? No To Shi'a Islamists, *Protect* Democracy [2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
Chapter15. Futurism, Futurist Party and Iran
? Intelligent Tools: The Cornerstone of a New Civilization ابزار هوشمند شالوده تمدني نوين 1985 و مقدمه 2001
? ترقي خواهي در عصر کنوني 1987 تجديد چاپ 2003 بمناسبت سالگرد انقلاب 1979
? 1986مفهوم آّزادي
? 1986 بيانيه جامعه ايرانيان آينده نگر
? New Paradigms [1994]
? Future-Related Books [1994]
? Planning, Futurism, and Iran [1994]
? Modern Futurism [in English] [1994]
? A Fiber Optics Backbone for Iran [1998]
? The New Millennium: The Age of Thinking! [1999]
? Producing for a Buyers' Market [1999]
? PDF [2000]حزب آينده نگر ايران طرح اوليه
? JPG [2000]حزب آينده نگر ايران طرح اوليه
? Hezb-e Ayandeh-Negar-e Iran [2000]
? Why Vote for Al Gore [2000]
? Iranian Futurist Party Platform (Proposal-July2001)
? State of the World Economy [2001]
? آينده نگري مدرن 1987 تجديد چاپ 2001
? مقدمه 2001 متن فارسي پلاتفرم پيشنهادي حزب آينده نگر ايران
? 2001پلاتفرم پيشنهادي حزب آينده نگر ايران دسامبر
? Framework: A Futurist Unity Plan (Feb 2002)
? The Impact of Intelligent Tools on Human Life and the World [2002]
? Iran and the Global Economic Change [2002]
? Globalization And Iranian Intellectual Circles [2002]
? About Tofflers, Newt Gingrich, Republican Party, Etc. [2002]
? Manuel Castells And Other Leftists And New Technological Changes [2002]
? About Futurism and Third Wave Terminology [2002]
? What Will be Iran's Future Constitution? [2002]
? Mary Shelly & Nanotechnology [2002]
? مصاحبه 2002 درباره انقلاب 1979
? My Response to Initiatives to Form a Viable Iranian Alternative [Sept 2002]
? Anti-Globalization is a Reactionary Movement [2003]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? به حکومت آينده و قانون اساسي اش بياند يشيم
? My Didgah (View) of Manshoor81 [2003]
? What is Being a Futurist? [New Year 2003]
? Forming an Open Society in Iran [2003]
? Future-Related Books
? Anthology
Chapter16. Biographical Note
? My Profile